©Houston Methodist, Houston, TX.
Many states had already implemented their own Social Distancing orders with the intentions to have them lifted by Easter, April 12, because they all figured that the number of cases would start to decrease. But unfortunately, the number of covid-19 cases and deaths has only continued to rise within the past few weeks. According to the Worldometer, the current number of covid-19 cases in the US today is said to be at a total of 185,159. While the current number of covid-19 deaths is said to be at a total of 3,773. There are also a number of 6,347 people who have recovered from the coronavirus. Although the amount of people who’ve recovered from the virus only make up for about 3% of those infected which could be a reason why the social distancing order was extended. It has also been extended due to the expectation that the virus is going to hit it's peak within the next two weeks. On CNN it was said by White House Advisor, Anthony S. Fauci, that the peak of the coronavirus is suggested to cause between 100,000 and 200,000 deaths, with 200,000 being a worst-case scenario estimate.
President Trump is now predicting that the country will be on its way to recovery by June 1. Trump hopes that with the Social Distancing order in place the number of covid-19-related deaths will stay well under 200,000. He also fears that if the country is shut down for too long due to covid-19 and social distancing, it will ruin the economy as well as the mental state of many people. Because of this, It is said that they are working on finding a more rapid way of testing for the coronavirus since being able to provide quicker results would be key in deciding whether or not it’s safe to reopen school and business and to let up on the social distancing guidelines. It is important that citizens make sure they are practicing social distancing and staying at home until things blow over.
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