One of the hardest parts about college is the amount of stress it brings on. College students often stress over things such as, their schoolwork, tuition and scholarships, everyday expenses, and (for those out-of-state students) their family.
In college, your amount of responsibilities are increased from the moment you step foot on campus. As a young adult, your professors are already expecting you to be able to handle twice the workload than when you were in high school, with little to no second chances on late assignments. If you’re not properly prepared for the college workload, this can be a major stress upon arriving.
Though most students push through and overcome the stress of college work, one of the biggest stressors for many college students is money, as well as distance. There are so many college students that attend school outside of their home states. Therefore not only do they have the stress of school work but they also have the stress of being away from their families and the stress that comes from trying to get back and forth over the school breaks. Because students usually attend out-of-state colleges, it’s usually hard for them to get home and then back to school again over the breaks. The actual amount of stress that college brings on is different for every student. For example if you’re a student whose parents pay for all their everyday expenses plus tuition, you may not be as stressed as a student who has to work everyday to even attend college. Most students get their tuition taken care of by their financial aid, but if your parents make too much money and your tuition isn’t covered by that financial aid then you’ll have to work twice as hard to find scholarships, jobs, or work study programs that’ll help pay off tuition and everyday expenses each year. This brings upon more stress. Stress is something that causes many students to actually drop out of college. Another thing that stresses some students is relationships, as well as friendships. A lot of times you have students that come to college looking for “love” as well as acceptance from others around them. In searching for these things they sometimes get caught up in distraction which only leads to more stress because with distraction you forget about certain tasks that need to be done and then you have to stress about getting them done last minute.
If you’re a college student, or on your way to becoming a college student, the best advice for avoiding stress would probably be to attend a school that’s not too far from home, try your best to stay away from distractions, and most of all save save save! Save all the money you can and spend smart!
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